Oh how I love yoga so that I am eager to share it with you, and I hope that this poem will cause you to love it too!
The word YOGA means “to unite”
And refers to the union of body mind and soul
An experience that causes us to go to new heights.
You don’t have to be bendy or strong or even feel able,
All you need is to have a body and breathe to feel stable.
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There are many types of yoga practices, none better nor worse,
What’s important is that you do one, and immerse.
Even five minutes a day of some breath and body work
Will inevitably give you a desired perk.
A yoga practice creates mind body connections
Which wards off of many of our afflictions.
As humans, we dwell so very excessively in our minds,
Our existence is dominated by thoughts of all kinds.
This prevents us from living in the present tense
And often creates life experiences that feel dense.
Worry, fear, stress and anxiety–
I’m sure you can come up with more variety
Of unwanted thoughts that dominate us regularly
And each day they likely repeat similarly!
It’s the nature of being human to have a dominant mind,
And when we are disconnected from our physical being
We are quite limited in what we are seeing.
Now that we acknowledge that our thinking minds cause us to loose power,
You ask, what is it that can help us blossom into a metaphoric flower?
My love, I shall now illuminate your radical superpower:
It is your BREATH that unites it all!
I hope you feel the magnitude of this call!
Inhale deeply and feel expanded
Exhale fully and feel you’ve landed
Inhale deeply and feel alive
Exhale fully and feel revived
This new awareness of your breath will be,
The beginning of a new path for you to become more FREE.
Consciously inhaling and exhaling unites your breath and mind
And when we add a yoga pose, it’s amazing what we find:
The merging of our physical and mental
Creates a direct experience of our SOUL that seems coincidental.
Our souls are innately joyful, happy and light
So when we relate to that part of us we become, oh so bright!
You do already connect with your soul—
When you are in awe of something that resonates for you,
like a stunning sunset
Or enchanted by the memory of a lover’s silhouette.
It is merely our over-thinking minds that block us from reaching our potential,
Of living our lives with more presence and joy,
I promise it’s not only conceptual.
We all desire more of these feelings
So it is time to reevaluate some of your dealings.
Adding a consistent yoga practice to your life will cause you
to find this lovely soul connection
And thus, be the recipient of your own affection.
It’s the difference between you thriving
And the comfortable status quo of you merely surviving!
Thankfully, yoga has become quite popular
So that you now have easy access to this great unifier.
Public classes, private lessons and YouTube videos–
You invariably can find a teacher who knows
How to guide your unique being
Toward the practice, whose benefits are far reaching.
So PLEASE, I beg you to consider,
If you add a bit of yoga to your day, you’ll feel so good it’s like you’re wearing inner glitter!
Transcend ordinary existence to one with more happiness
I believe in it so, I’ve shared with you my poetic sappiness!
Martha is passionate about sharing her love for yoga and a yoga lifestyle with all levels of students, from the brand-new beginner, to the more experienced practitioner. It is her experience that regular yoga practice is grounding, uplifting and transformational, and Martha is skilled at creating these experiences for her students.
“I tried yoga many times over the years on the recommendation of friends and trainers, but it never really did anything for me until I tried a class with Martha. My body responded to her style of flow combined with deep exploration of certain poses, while her words lit me up spiritually. There was one class where, after the first fifteen minutes of practice, the whole experience was so moving I had goose bumps. After that I was hooked. I’ve been practicing with Martha in one-on-one sessions for more than ten years now and my body, and, for that matter, my entire life, are transformed. I keep reaching places I never imagined, and then, with a little coaching from Martha, I keep pushing beyond.” — Mark
Martha is available for private group and individual sessions upon request.
Group Class Experiences transmit infectious powerful energy to yoga practice. Martha teaches an energetic and comfortably challenging Vinyasa yoga practice. She is known as a compassionate, authentic and charismatic teacher who seeks to bring out the best in her students. Her classes weave body alignment, music, yogic philosophy, flow, and humor into an experience that connects students to their bodies and souls and reminds them to follow their own inner guide.
“As an athlete, I’ve seen how Martha’s emphasis on proper balance and form have carried over and helped me improve in everything from skiing to triathlons. I also am sure that yoga with Martha and the awareness it brings to my posture helps keep my herniated disc nearly pain-free, without surgery or cortisone injections.” — Keith
“I took your class for the first time in 2011. You made me fall in love with Yoga and your class then, and still do every time. You changed my life! You are definitely the best teacher I’ve encountered! A huge thank you!!!” — Vassa
“Your class is so powerful. I was sitting in a yoga class, in a gym, and I was weeping. Everyone in the room was moved. It was such a deep experience to hear those words in that voice and to be so open to receiving them.” — Andra
“You work your magic every time! –Stacy
“I was laid off recently, and l have been struggling with the lasting toxicity of the working environment of my last employer and the shock of being laid off. Your classes have always had the ability to rejuvenate me, but Sunday’s class made me feel whole again. For the first time in months, I am genuinely smiling. Thank you!” — Marissa
“I’ve been thinking about you! And here’s what I’ve been thinking–There are some people who leave their mark, always to be remembered. You, my dear will always be in my heart and in my yoga❤️ No one…. No one compares to the depth and richness of your class!” — Sharon
“I’d like to thank you for the amazing time I get to spend under your instruction. I am always left feeling so at peace and thankful for everything in my world when I leave your class.” — Susan
“I believe I owe my 7.5 years of sobriety to your yoga classes.” — Rachel
Private Classes are powerful because together we co-create sessions that are designed for your unique body’s needs and preferences. Individual attention and hands-on assists take your practice deeper. Classes may include a variety of modalities and styles of yoga including Iyengar Yoga, Anusara Yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, Meditation, Breathwork, Pilates, Weight Training and Stabilization, Yamuna Body Rolling and Footwork, Reiki, Hands-On Body Manipulation, and Aromatherapy.
“As a woman in her sixties, I have better posture, less stiffness and a new control of my body.” — Kate
“Making yoga accessible to all, Martha is the “yogini whisperer” for newbies and the advanced and everyone in between. With a lightness of spirit she shares a practice rich in precise knowledge and relatable wisdom.” — Barbara
“Working with Martha made me aware of my body in a way I had never been before… it totally changed how I view and live in my body. Martha taught me patience with myself, my body, my family. It’s taught me to appreciate the journey of life, not the destinations. It’s made me so strong, capable and willing to challenge myself. It’s made me love exercise- not just yoga- in a way nothing in my life ever has…it has transformed everything I do with my body from walking and sleeping to doing the dishes.” — Anne
The DVD: Transcend with Martha
(formerly Lisa Langer)
In this one hour video, Martha guides you through a complete, challenging and transformative yoga class that you can experience at home or while traveling. It is a prescription for enhancing your day and even bigger – redirecting your life and health toward more peace and vibrancy!
Produced by Jillian Ezra
Directed by James Wvinner
Music by David Newman (Durga Das) and savasana by Kevin Courtney
“Martha’s instructions are both precise and easeful, the result of which is a sense of self-confidence and calm as I follow along. The video’s soothing music and clean, sunny setting also contribute to an aura of balance and clarity, no matter where I happen to be in the world. Martha moves with a true combination of grace and strength and that’s exactly how I feel after completing my hour-long practice: graceful and strong. The experience is like an up-close and personal lesson in proper placement and breathing.” — Amy
“What a beautiful offering and balanced practice. I loved how seamless it felt.” — Kevin
“I have had long-time hip pain and I have tried many yoga teachers and styles. After doing Lisa’s DVD my hip and entire body opened up and I feel healed. I’ve been doing it every other day for 4 months and I am pain free. I love her beautiful words and the music.” — Linda
“Your video has been so inspirational during this time of intense change. Grateful for your teachings as always.” — Erik
“I just finished your yoga video which I do every day. It is enormously helpful! Thanks so much for your compassion and generosity.” — David
“Your DVD is so lovely and amazing and I’m going to be using it so much. I feel lucky to have it – …. you are very generous to only charge $30 for this. It’s a huge gift to have your class on CD.” — Phyllis
“I’ve been going out of my mind with yoga deprivation. I mean, going out for a walk around the reservoir twice a day just doesn’t cut it. Your DVD is a godsend.” — Miriam